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WP Global Cart /  (Page 3)


This filter has been deprecated. Name: woogc/disable_sso Type: Filter Arguments: $is_disabled The filter is being used to disable Single Sign-On functionality. Single Sign-On (SSO) is a property of login on all sites in a MultiSite environment, using a single/unique login procedure. This works independently if other sites use different domains, subdomains or subdirectories structure. add_filter( 'woogc/disable_sso', 'WooGC_Disable_SSO'); function WooGC_Disable_SSO ( $status ) { ...

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Display the Product Title along the Shop Name where it come from the network

Using the WooCommerce Global Cart all shops in the network can share the same cart, products from different sites can be added and checked-out in a single process. To make cart content more descriptive and clearer to the customers, a shop name can be append to each product title, to indicate the location where the product come from. Also, other necessary information can append, if apply. The following bit of code appends the origin Shop name, to each product title...

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Update my custom theme cart to show correct product link

By default, when a product is added to the shopping cart, the links within the cart should reflect the origin shop. This means that if you added a specific product from Shop A to your cart, the links in the cart should lead back to Shop A. However, there might be a situation where the links in the cart are not reflecting the correct origin shop. Instead, they might be pulling data from a different shop within the network. Thankfully,...

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Change my-account/orders template if order from other shops are not visible

As default the orders of a customer should be available and visible on front side, within My Account at Orders section. It happens for certain orders to be ignored since the theme is not aware of orders being available across whole network. The default template file is located at woocommerce/myaccount/orders.php within your theme. If the file does not exist we recommend to copy over from woocommerce plugin. The template file contain the following: foreach ( $customer_orders->orders as $customer_order ) { $order ...

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Plugin Installation

Once purchased the plugin can be downloaded through My Account at Downloads section. The package can be installed on a WordPress instance through internal plugin upload functionality.  At Superadmin Network Dashboard interface, go to Plugins > Add New Chose Upload Plugin and Browse to location where the plugin archive was previously saved. Click Install and Network Activate.  The plugin is required to be activated through Superadmin dashboard to be available to all sites in the network. Important ! At this point, depending on...

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Plugin Requirements

First, the plugin does not require any special server functionality, it can run on any. It require a WordPress instance with MultiSite active environment. It can run with Subdomain or Subdirectory structure. It also can run on different domains (on any of above structure), see more details upon Set-up different domains for shops under the same MultiSite environment. The WooCommerce plugin should be deployed and active for at least the main (first) site. There is no requirement upon WooCommerce activation on all...

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