WooCommerce Global Cart now compatible with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin - WP Global Cart
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WooCommerce Global Cart now compatible with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin

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WooCommerce Global Cart now compatible with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin

WooCommerce running on a WordPress MultiSite create a powerful environment for e-commerce, using the right tools makes WooCommerce the best application of it’s kind.

WooCommerce is not a MultiSite natively capable, WooCommerce Global Cart plugin comes in and make it happen with zero code customization and shop admin intervention. This require a specific approach and code extension, using advanced technologies and coding techniques to make everything perfectly compatible.

Just like WooCommerce, not all plugins are capable of running 100% on MultiSite environment. Some works out of the box as their functionality does not require a specific approach for such environment. Some plugins are not aware of MultiSite and run their routines like there is a single site instance.

The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin is a very popular code. Unfortunate it’s not being maintained to run on MultiSite, so as default, certain functionality does not work correctly for such WordPress type. Recently, for above plugin we included an extension within our WooCommerce Global Cart package which makes the dynamic pricing code aware of  products from different shops within the Network, making it perfectly compatible.

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