Product Synchronization Archives - WP Global Cart
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Remove Linked Products Automatically When Deleting a Main Product in WooCommerce

By default, WooCommerce retains synchronized products when a main product is deleted. However, you may want to change this behavior to automatically remove synchronized child products when the main product is deleted. This can be achieved by adding custom code to your site. Here’s how you can implement this functionality: add_action( 'before_delete_post', 'wogc_before_delete_post', 1, 2 ); /** * Remove synchronized child products when a main product is deleted. * * @param int $postid The ID of the product being deleted. * @param...

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Name: woogc/ps/synchronize_product/child_product Type: Filter Arguments: (object)$child_product (array)$main_product_data (int)$origin_product_blog_ID This filter is utilized within the WooCommerce Global Cart plugin to enable modifications to the child product object before it's returned to the core and saved. It provides developers with the ability to customize the child product data as needed during the synchronization process. add_filter( 'woogc/ps/synchronize_product/child_product', 'custom_modify_child_product', 10, 3 ); function custom_modify_child_product( $child_product, $main_product_data, $origin_product_blog_ID ) { // Perform modifications to $child_product here // Example: Change the price of the child product ...

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Get the network Total Sales for a synchronized product

The WooCommerce Global Cart offers a powerful solution for businesses operating multiple online stores within a WordPress Multisite network. By synchronizing products across these shops, merchants can ensure consistency in product offerings while simplifying inventory management. However, one challenge that arises with this setup is the need to accurately track sales for synchronized products across the entire network. To address this challenge, developers can implement custom functions to retrieve essential data, such as the total number of network sales for...

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Name: woogc/ps/interfaces/sync_to_shop Type: Filter Arguments: $status, $remote_blog_id, $post The filter can be used to change the synchronization interface button status from active to inactive or vice versa. For example, when creating a new product, the buttons will show up active as default: add_filter ( 'woogc/ps/interfaces/sync_to_shop', 'woogc_ps_interfaces_option_status', 10, 3 ); add_filter ( 'woogc/ps/interfaces/maintain_child', 'woogc_ps_interfaces_option_status', 10, 3 ); add_filter ( 'woogc/ps/interfaces/maintain_categories', 'woogc_ps_interfaces_option_status',...

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Name: woogc/ps/interfaces/synchronize_to_sites Type: Filter Arguments: $sites The filter allows you to regulate the shops that are accessible within the Synchronization Interface, determining where the feature is available. The following example check if the edit page is for product ID 33 and 44. If match, it disable the synchronization option to the Shop ID 2: add_filter ( 'woogc/ps/interfaces/synchronize_to_sites', 'woogc_ps_interfaces_synchronize_to_sites' ); function woogc_ps_interfaces_synchronize_to_sites( $sites ) { ...

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Name: woogc/ps/synchronize_product/ignore_meta_key Type: Filter Arguments: $IgnoreMeta, $prop_title, $prop_value, $child_product, $main_product_data, $origin_product_blog_ID The filter can be used to ignore/skip a meta field to replicate, when running a Product synchronization procedure. The following example ignores any parent Product Title change add_filter ( 'woogc/ps/synchronize_product/ignore_meta_key', 'woogc_ps_synchronize_product_ignore_meta_key', 10, 6 ); function woogc_ps_synchronize_product_ignore_meta_key ( $ignore, $prop_title, $prop_value, $child_product, $main_product_data, $origin_product_blog_ID ) { if ( $prop_title...

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How to setup the Screen or Header Synchronization type

The Synchronization procedure is the way the plugin core ensures the data is processed unitary across the network, for the selected shops. The plugin automatically deploys any of the selected synchronization types, by making the required adjustments to your WordPress environment. When completed, all server caches ( including the site ) are required to clear manually, for the new settings to take effect. If applied, the CDN cache should be cleared as well. Mainly the procedure consists of setting up...

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