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WP Global Cart /  (Page 2)

Use WooCommerce shortcodes to Displaying Products across Shops

This newly implemented functionality helps with displaying WooCommerce Products across shops, in the network, under your WordPress MultiSite environment. Promote specific products, types of merchandise, category of goods, so boosting overall network sales. The new function is available as a Woocommerce Product Shortcode and is easy to implement. Any section of a site can include the shortcode to output the required products. The woocommerce shortcode is usable within the default WordPress editor ( classic ) or any advanced layout composer like Elementor, Divi, Visual Builder etc.

Display the Product Title along the Shop Name where it come from the network

Using the WooCommerce Global Cart all shops in the network can share the same cart, products from different sites can be added and checked-out in a single process. To make cart content more descriptive and clearer to the customers, a shop name can be append to each product title, to indicate the location where the product come from. Also, other necessary information can append, if apply. The following bit of code appends the origin Shop name, to each product title...

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Display the Order Products shops, within the Super Admin Orders ( all ) interface

The WooCommerce Global Cart includes the global Orders interface where orders across all shops in the network are listed in a single place. The interface is similar to the default WooCommerce order and includes all default functions to maintain Process, Complete, View etc. To make it easy to figure out through the Orders interface, what each of the orders contain, an additional column can be included programmatically to show all Shop names that the included products belong to. This...

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Synchronizing Orders Across Shops in a WooCommerce Multisite Network with Global Cart

UPDATE: This feature has been integrated into the core of the plugin and can now be activated in the Settings. WooCommerce Global Cart is an indispensable tool for managing multisite networks, enabling a unified shopping experience across multiple stores. Synchronizing orders across the network may be a required feature for streamlined management and optimal customer service. Here, we delve into how order synchronization can be achieved, exploring the default options, the Network Orders interface, and how advanced users can implement...

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Disable plugin specific functionality

The WooCommerce Global Cart plugin is a powerfull tools to make your MultiSite environment a unique virtual marketplace. It include many features and functionalities. However not every option may be required at a given moment or is not needed at all. The plugin include a setting interface available within SuperAdmin interface, through which many of plugin aspects can be changed. But there are things which can be disabled programmatically only, to avoid system malfunction for erroneously set-ups. Disable Global...

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Disabling Persistent Cart in WooCommerce while using the Global Cart

WooCommerce’s persistent cart feature is designed to save cart contents for logged-in users, enabling them to pick up where they left off. However, when using the WooCommerce Global Cart plugin, this functionality may not always be desirable. Specifically, persistent cart behavior can cause the user’s saved cart to merge with their existing global cart upon login. If your store relies on WooCommerce Global Cart to synchronize carts across multiple sites or sessions, disabling the persistent cart ensures a cleaner, more...

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How to setup the Screen or Header Synchronization type

The Synchronization procedure is the way the plugin core ensures the data is processed unitary across the network, for the selected shops. The plugin automatically deploys any of the selected synchronization types, by making the required adjustments to your WordPress environment. When completed, all server caches ( including the site ) are required to clear manually, for the new settings to take effect. If applied, the CDN cache should be cleared as well. Mainly the procedure consists of setting up...

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Fix the notice “COOKIE_DOMAIN constant already defined. The SSO and cart cross-domain features possible not fully functional.”

In WordPress the COOKIE_DOMAIN constant is used to specify the CMS cookie for unusual domain setups. The plugin use this constant to handle SSO and some of the cross-domain features. If the constant is already defined, this must be removed or commented out. Most of the time it can be found in wp-config.php file and looks like this: The notice appear on SuperAdmin dashboard on top of page: In majority of cases the constant is defined by "WordPress MU...

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Show product shop within order dashboard

When Check-out being set as Single Checkout  the Order include all products in the cart, even if they are coming from different shops. To make easy to identify which product is coming from what shop, a small piece of code can be used. add_action('woocommerce_before_order_itemmeta', 'custom_woocommerce_before_order_itemmeta', 99, 3); function custom_woocommerce_before_order_itemmeta( $item_id, $item, $product ) { ...

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Maintain the same WooCommerce categories on all shops in the network

Update: The recent WordPress and WooCommerce changes deprecated the current article code example, and thus will not be maintained anymore. Under WordPress MultiSite environment, WooCommerce can run on any site. In a sense, that means the WooCommerce is apparently MultiSite capable and compatible. In practice, there's no real MultiSite capability as no data is interconnected from a shop to another, every instance is self-running, with no possibility to interact with the other sites in the network. WordPress WooGlobalCart brings in a...

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