How To Archives - WP Global Cart
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Set-up different domains for shops on WordPress MultiSite

Different domains can be assigned for your shops within MultiSite Network, this is a feature supported by plugin and does not require additional code extensions to implement. The set-up is straightforward and require a basic web management knowledge.

There are few steps required to make the preparations and actual domain assignment for a shop on your network:

[eltd_workflow_item title="Domain Purchase" date="Step 1" text="A domain is required. If not own this can be purchased through multiple registrar sites....

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Choose from Checkout Type options – Single Checkout / Each Store (Split check-out)

When it comes to WodPress MultiSite environment, WooCommerce does not provide any options. Working with stand-alone WordPress instances, there is no features to interconnect the shops in the network, in any way. The WooCommerce Global Cart provides the missing features for the shops, the Global Check-out and Global Cart are two of the main plugin functions. By default, the WooCommerce checkout provides a smooth experience for your customers. This creates a great benefit for shop...

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Change my orders template if order from other shops are not visible

As default the orders of a customer should be available and visible on front side, within My Account at Orders section. It happens for certain orders to be ignored since the theme is not aware of orders being available across whole network. The default template file is located at woocommerce/myaccount/orders.php within your theme. If the file does not exist we recommend to copy over from woocommerce plugin. The template file contain the following: foreach ( $customer_orders->orders as $customer_order ) { $order ...

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Change my downloads template if product link is invalid

An order from a shop in the network become visible for customer through My Account -> Orders in all shops  once the WooCommerce Multisite Global Cart plugin is activated. Some themes are not MultiSite capable, so downloadable Product link might be invalid:   The default template file used for this area is located within your theme at /woocommerce/order/order-downloads.php If the file dos not exists, it should be copied from WooCommerce plugin, from /templates/order/order-downloads.php The order-downloads.php file contain the following: ...

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Update my custom theme cart to show correct product link

By default, when a product is added to the shopping cart, the links within the cart should reflect the origin shop. This means that if you added a specific product from Shop A to your cart, the links in the cart should lead back to Shop A. However, there might be a situation where the links in the cart are not reflecting the correct origin shop. Instead, they might be pulling data from a different shop within the network. Thankfully,...

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Replace the Global Cart Products with local store product, on SKU match

Starting version 3.8.5 WP Global Cart received a new functionality called “Replace the Cart Products with local version”.

The “Replace the Cart Products with local version” feature enhances the shopping experience for customers who are using the WP Global Cart plugin in a WordPress MultiSite environment. This feature specifically addresses situations where a product in the shopping cart is available in the current store.

Programmatically synchronize a product across the Network

WPGlobalCart is a powerful WooCommerce plugin designed to streamline e-commerce operations within a WordPress MultiSite network. It offers a range of tools and features that simplify product management, making it an essential tool for businesses with multiple online stores.

Product Synchronization Made Easy

One of the standout features of the WPGlobalCart plugin is its user-friendly and efficient approach to product synchronization. Managing a diverse range of products across multiple websites within a WordPress MultiSite network can be a complex and time-consuming task. However, WPGlobalCart streamlines this process, offering a set of tools and features that make product synchronization a breeze.

Synchronizing custom taxonomies on Product Synchronization

By default, on Product Synchronization all product data will be migrated to the designated shops in the network. That includes the Product Category and Product Tag taxonomies. When using custom taxonomies, to synchronize a custom one called 'writer' from the main product to its child products across different shops within a multi-site WooCommerce network, a custom code can be used. The $taxnomy_name variable value should be updated accordingly to the actual local taxonomy name. add_filter( 'woogc/ps/synchronize_product/child_product', 'sync_custom_taxonomy_to_child_product',...

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Update cart-shipping template, when using “Calculate Shipping costs for each Shops” option

As default, when using Single Shop Check-out type, WooCommerce calculates the shipping costs globally for all products in the cart, independently of the origin of the item, to what shop it belongs in the network. The used shipping rules and rates are the one's set up on the shop being used for the check-out process. This is enough for most shop administrators, if providing a single package with all customer items. The new functionality controlled through the Calculate Shipping...

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Use WooCommerce shortcodes to Displaying Products across Shops

This newly implemented functionality helps with displaying WooCommerce Products across shops, in the network, under your WordPress MultiSite environment. Promote specific products, types of merchandise, category of goods, so boosting overall network sales. The new function is available as a Woocommerce Product Shortcode and is easy to implement. Any section of a site can include the shortcode to output the required products. The woocommerce shortcode is usable within the default WordPress editor ( classic ) or any advanced layout composer like Elementor, Divi, Visual Builder etc.