Splitting Orders, is a powerful tool when working with separate shop managers and merchants. That helps to create split orders with products that belong to different shops in the network. So each of the shops that had at least one product in the cart, will receive an order with its own products.
A split can be ignored for the shop, where the check-out occurs. Or the main order can be hidden, on the checkout site and show the split...
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WooCommerce Tax area provides the necessary tools to create the required taxation for on-sale products. Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce is straightforward, through WooCommerce > Settings > Tax interface:
Different tax classes and appropriate Rates, per specific Country, State, Zip, City etc area configurable:
On check-out, the current shop tax set-up applies to all products in the shopping cart. The check-out location is settable through the plugin options, or this can be free to choose by the customer. I such case,...
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Name: woogc/get_cart_from_session/validate_hash
Type: Filter
Arguments: $force_validation, $values
When reconstructing the cart from session data, WooCommerce checks each of the products for validation. That includes existence, quantity, purchaseability, data hash. It happens, if a plugin implements a custom product type, if not active/available for a specific shop, the WooCommerce removes it from the cart. This is caused by a data hash that does not match anymore.
This filter can be used to force hash validity for specific products in the cart.
For example, if using the...
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On the Synchronization screen complete, custom JavaScript can run. To achieve this, the following code is required within a js file, that is loaded along the page:
document.addEventListener( 'woogc/sync-done' , function (e) {
alert ('Triggered Event sync-done');
//further JavaScript code
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Looping through the Cart Items is straightforward and achievable through the code:
When the cart includes products from different shops ( within the MultiSite Network ), the same code can be used. Still, a...
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As default, when using Single Shop Check-out type, WooCommerce calculates the shipping costs globally for all products in the cart, independently of the origin of the item, to what shop it belongs in the network. The used shipping rules and rates are the one's set up on the shop being used for the check-out process. This is enough for most shop administrators, if providing a single package with all customer items.
The new functionality controlled through the Calculate Shipping...
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Each of the Network Shops run their own cart page. This can be changed so the cart link redirects the user to a specific Shop Cart in the network, which is usually the Check-out Shop, when using Single Site Check-out type.
The feature can be achieved through a custom code. The WOOGC_REQUIRED_CART_URL value should be updated with the required shop cart URL:
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When using Single Site Check-out type, the Global Cart is being processed at a specified shop in the network or one at the customer preference. All Products will be included in a single order created on the site where the check-out occurs.
On shop Networks, where the owner chose to use Shop Managers to allow individual sites to be run by individual users, when a new Order is created on the Check-out Shop, a notification e-mail might be required to...
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Name: woogc/network_orders/get_orders/mysql_query/WHERE
Type: Filter
Arguments: $mysql_query, $blog_id
The filter can be used to modify the MySQL query used by the Network Orders interface to output the orders from all shops.
The following code example shows only the orders for shop_manager roles, from shops where the user have access :
add_filter ( 'woogc/network_orders/get_orders/mysql_query/WHERE', '_custom_network_orders_mysql_query_WHERE_2', 10, 2 );
function _custom_network_orders_mysql_query_WHERE_2 ( $mysql_query, $blog_id )
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Name: woogc/show_network_orders
Type: Filter
Arguments: $status
The filter can be used to show the Network Orders interface to other shops in the MultiSite environment.
The following code example, show the interface for shops ID's 2 and 3:
add_filter('woogc/show_network_orders', 'WooGC_show_network_orders');
function WooGC_show_network_orders( $status )
global $blog_id;
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