Name: woogc/get_gc_sites
Type: Filter
Arguments: $sites, $context
The filter can be used to exclude specific shops when WooGlobalCart core calls the internal get_gc_sites() method.
For example, a shop can be excluded from the reports.
The following code, removes shop ID’s 2 from the reporting engine:
add_filter('woogc/get_gc_sites', '__WooGC_get_gc_sites', 10, 2);
function __WooGC_get_gc_sites( $sites, $context )
if ( $context != 'global_reports' )
return $sites;
//exclude site ID 2
foreach ( $sites as $key => $site_data )
if ( $site_data->blog_id == "2" )
unset ( $sites[$key] );
$sites = array_values( $sites );
return $sites;
The code should be placed inside a php file on wp-content/mu-plugins folder.
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