Redirect all Carts to a specific Shop Cart - WP Global Cart
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Redirect all Carts to a specific Shop Cart

WP Global Cart / Redirect all Carts to a specific Shop Cart
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Redirect all Carts to a specific Shop Cart

Each of the Network Shops run their own cart page. This can be changed so the cart link redirects the user to a specific Shop Cart in the network, which is usually the Check-out Shop, when using Single Site Check-out type.

The feature can be achieved through a custom code. The WOOGC_REQUIRED_CART_URL value should be updated with the required shop cart URL:

    define('WOOGC_REQUIRED_CART_URL',             '--MainShopDomain--/cart/');

    add_action('init', 'custom_init');
    function custom_init()
            ob_start( "custom_ob_callback");
    function custom_ob_callback( $buffer ) 
            $current_site_url   =   wc_get_cart_url();   
            $current_site_url   =   preg_replace('/:[0-9]+/', '', str_replace(array ("https://" , "http://"), "", $current_site_url ));
            $current_site_url   =   trailingslashit( $current_site_url );
            $buffer =   str_ireplace( $current_site_url, WOOGC_REQUIRED_CART_URL, $buffer);
            //jsonencoded replacements
            $buffer =   str_ireplace(   trim( json_encode( $current_site_url ), '"' )  , trim( json_encode( WOOGC_REQUIRED_CART_URL ), '"' ) , $buffer  );
            return $buffer;   


*The code should be placed into a custom file on /wp-content/mu-plugins/ or theme functions.php

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