Display origin Shop name next to Product in Order interface - WP Global Cart
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Display origin Shop name next to Product in Order interface

WP Global Cart / Articles  / Display origin Shop name next to Product in Order interface
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Display origin Shop name next to Product in Order interface

The WooCommerce Global Cart facilitate a unique cart implementation within a network of shops. Any product can be add to the cart and carry over to other shops. On check-out, depending on set-up type, the products are included in a single order on a specific shop, or spread to all shops which had a product in the cart.
Within dashboard, when view an order, all checked-out products are listed:

Origin shop o each product can be fond in the link of each product. To make it easier the shop name can be listed under each product:

This can be achieved through a custom code, the following lines should be saved within a file on wp-content/mu-plugins folder:

add_action('woocommerce_before_order_itemmeta', 'custom_woocommerce_before_order_itemmeta', 99, 3);
function custom_woocommerce_before_order_itemmeta( $item_id, $item, $product ) 
        $meta_blog_id   =   $item->get_meta('blog_id');
        if  ( empty ( $meta_blog_id ) )
        $site_data   =  get_blog_details( $meta_blog_id );

        ?><p>Shop <a href="<?php echo $site_data->siteurl ?>"><?php  echo $site_data->blogname ?></a></p><?php
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